Remember that feeling of sneaking around with a fake designer bag? Forget it. Today, Gen Z is rocking their dupes (affordable alternatives) openly, and it’s sparking a major conversation. The question? Should high-end brands embrace this “dupe culture”?

Why Dupes Are Hot

Social media, especially short-form video platforms, is a big driver. Influencers are all about sharing finds, and dupes are a goldmine for budget-conscious beauty and fashion lovers. Gen Z isn’t just about affordability (though that’s a big factor); they value authenticity and self-expression. A great dupe lets them achieve a look without breaking the bank.

So, What Should Brands Do?

There’s a growing movement urging high-end brands to “lean in” to the dupe trend. Here are some ways they could adapt:

  • Embrace Transparency: Highlight the quality and craftsmanship that goes into your products.
  • Offer More Accessible Lines: Consider creating secondary lines with lower price points.
  • Focus on Brand Experience: Maybe it’s exclusive workshops or personalized consultations. Make the luxury experience a perk, not just the price tag.
  • Engage with Dupe Culture: Partner with influencers who showcase dupes to discuss quality and responsible shopping.

Is Dupe Culture Here to Stay?

Experts say yes. The trend shows no signs of slowing down. Brands that can adapt and offer value beyond just a high price tag will be the ones to win over the new generation of shoppers.

What do you think? Are dupes a threat or an opportunity? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Resources: Business of Fashion, WGSN