What’s with all the Ra-Ra?!

Quiet luxury is a trend that focuses on understated, high-quality goods and experiences. It is about choosing items that are timeless and elegant, rather than trendy and disposable. Quiet luxury is often associated with minimalism, but it can also be about choosing items that are simply well-made and luxurious.

According to a 2022 study by Morgan Stanley, the average Gen Z household income is $65,000. This is significantly lower than the average household income for millennials ($75,000) and baby boomers ($100,000). However, Gen Z is also more likely to live with their parents than previous generations, which can help them save money on rent and other expenses.

There are a few reasons why Gen Z is interested in quiet luxury. First, they are more price-conscious than previous generations. They grew up during the Great Recession, and they are more likely to have student loans and other financial responsibilities. As a result, they are looking for ways to experience luxury without breaking the bank.

Second, Gen Z is more environmentally conscious than previous generations. They are concerned about the impact of their consumption on the planet, and they are looking for ways to live more sustainably. Quiet luxury can help them achieve this goal by allowing them to experience luxury without the high environmental cost of traditional luxury goods and services.

Third, Gen Z is more interested in authenticity than previous generations. They are looking for experiences that are genuine and meaningful, and they are less interested in conspicuous consumption. Quiet luxury can help them achieve this goal by allowing them to experience luxury in a way that is authentic to their values.

Overall, quiet luxury is a trend that is likely to continue to grow in popularity among Gen Z. As this generation continues to enter the workforce and have more disposable income, they are likely to continue to seek out ways to experience luxury without breaking the bank, without harming the environment, and in a way that is authentic to their values. It is clear that Gen Z is more price-conscious than previous generations. However, they are also more likely to have disposable income and to spend it on experiences and items that they value. As a result, some Gen Z consumers are able to afford luxury goods, while others are not.

Here are some examples of quiet luxury:

  • A well-made leather jacket that will last for years, rather than a trendy designer jacket that will go out of style in a few months.
  • A piece of art that you love, rather than a painting by a famous artist that you only bought because it is expensive.
  • A weekend getaway to a small town, rather than a lavish vacation to a tropical island.

Quiet luxury is about choosing items that are meaningful to you and that will bring you joy for years to come. It is about living a life of quality, rather than quantity.
