Hi, we are the Zephyr twins. Our names are Bettina and Maya. We were born and raised in Haiti, but moved to the United States at the age of 14. With no understanding of the English language, we were thrown into school in America. Imagine being 14 years old but having the language comprehension of a 9 month old child. That was a crazy, but fun, experience which we got through together. In high school we were very popular. Everyone knew us, but we didn’t really know anyone else due to the fact that we kept to ourselves most of the time. We were still well-known for being the only twins at school that were stuck at the hips. We did, and still do, everything together. It’s a sickness really (laughs) We have plenty of hobbies, but oh my god, food! We love food. Our diets are awful, consisting of pasta, lasagna, chicken, pizza, rice, beans, burritos, empanadas, hamburger, or even fries in the middle of the night and for breakfast. It’s horrible. That is why fitness is our life (laughs).

We workout probably five days a week, for an hour and half or two hours, depending how much energy we have left. We motivate each other to stay healthy and in-shape. We love to dance. We are not professionals, we just have fun with it! There is just something about music that just takes your mind away from everything that’s going on and allows you to let loose. This is where TikTok comes in. By the time this article comes out we will have over 100,000 followers on TikTok, which is beyond amazing for us! We also have a knack for languages. We speak Creole, French, English, some Spanish (which we hope to learn more of).

We also know little Korean here-and-there as well as picking up some Thai along the way. Due to the quarantine this year and the situation with COVID-19, we had to expand our minds and try something different. We decided to start our own company called bijouxmay.com. What started as a fun hobby, turned into a small handmade jewelry company which we saw so much potential in and decided to take seriously. You can even see us wearing the jewelry in the photos! 

We have never physically fought but we do argue sometimes. To be honest, we feel like the older we get, we don’t argue as much because we try to have a positive mindset about everything. If we feel like a conversation is about to start an argument, we stop and consider if it’s worth putting out negative energy or if it’s worth a discussion. Honestly, we think it is great practice for our future relationships! Get to know us and what interests us separately; Bettina: I love Modeling. Becoming a model was, and still is, my passion. I remember back in Freshman year of high school, we had an English teacher who had made us write a letter to ourselves five years in the future. 

When I finally opened that letter five years later, I had written to myself “if you’re NOT a model by now, drop everything and go after your dreams”. I literally quit college and had a part-time job, while modeling on the side. My first runway was the beginning of everything. I remember walking down the runway thinking “this feels right, this feels me, this is what I want to do”. And I did, working with multiple local fashion designers along the way.

I walked many shows and met a lot of awesome people. As my dream was getting bigger, the stakes were higher, and I needed an agency to represent me. As I researched agencies, however, I learned the ugly truth about the industry. It was manipulative, ruthless, and mentally damaging. ‘Slave contracts’ were in existence. It also didn’t help having been raised by strict Haitian parents who didn’t support my dreams. All of that added to the obstacles I was facing. That is when I decided to take a break. I went through a depressive stage that I didn’t know I was in at the time. Until one day, I snapped out of it and decided to become a lead dentist/ orthodontic assistant who does YouTube on the side. I also hope to purchase my dream car soon. Stay tuned… 

Maya: Hi, I am Maya ‘goddess of indecisiveness’ (laughs). Let’s see, I wanted to be a model as well, but then my insecurities got the best of me and I decided it wasn’t the right fit. I thought I wanted to be a fire fighter, then changed my mind. I wanted to be an E.M.T until I saw how intense it was. It also didn’t help that I had a previous traumatic experience with blood. I then decided I should become a Police officer. Finally (you guessed it) I changed my mind again (laughs)! No, in all seriousness, I did almost became a cop. I sent in my application, but the following week turned into the beginning of a downward spiraling roller coaster that I was powerless to stop. I now live by the mantra “be careful what you wish for”.

“It’s not magic, it’s “clever marketing”

The Zephyr Twins

I remember when my sister and I were sixteen, we were acting out and our mother kept telling us how hard it is raising twins. We kept arguing every single day. I started saying “I will never have kids. I will never have kids. On God, i will never have kids”. Well, little did I know, wishes come true. After multiple misdiagnoses and several surgeries, on May 22, 2017, I had a hysterectomy (the removal of my uterus and cervix). It means that I am unable to have kids now. Long story short, it was a long and painful experience that I will never physically or mentally recover from. I am taking it day-by-day. Now I am a medical assistant in nursing school, doing Youtube on the side. What’s next for us? Honestly life is unpredictable and tomorrow is not promised. We are going to try living our lives to the fullest. Hopefully COVID-19 goes