Interviewed By Holmag.Inc

Mrs. D’Oleo-Schwartz began her start in fashion design at a very young age in her native Dominican. Republic. After debuting her collection in 2006 and launching many other collections years after, she saw the need to help refine the skills of talented individuals in her community. She then started to teach seminars in fashion universities in many cities of Latino America and offered business consulting for Spanish speakers’ designers and fashion brands all across the states. She also judges many local and international fashion competitions and is the author of many fashion construction books. Now, she is the proud owner of The Fashion Institute of South Florida.

We are so excited to introduce her to you all, so Rucht, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this interview with us here at Holmag.Inc!

Oh don’t mention it! (Laughts)

How has it been recruiting students for the Fashion Institute of South Florida? How do you go about recruiting instructors?

Recruiting students is relatively easy since there are a lot of talented individuals interested in fashion education. Convincing students to stay and to understand that it takes time and effort to learn is another story! When recruiting instructors, I ask around and get involved as much as I can within the fashion community in Miami, as well as both nationally and internationally. Another key to finding instructors is through word of mouth. The exciting instructors I have now are constantly referring other instructors to me.

How would you describe your leadership style with your staff and students?

My leadership style is about open communication, mainly through listening. I design and make the rules but I am always open-minded to listening to the instructors’ and students’ suggestions. At the end of the day, this school is for the students— not me—so it’s very important for me to pay attention to their needs and requests so they can achieve their dreams with the knowledge they gain here.

You have over forty, five-star ratings on Google Reviews! What is the reason behind the students raving about the fashion program you offer in comparison to those offered at Miami Dade College or other technical schools in South Florida?

Well, I believe at the Fashion Institute of South Florida we genuinely care about each student and their wellbeing. Briefly tell us about the fashion program. Our fashion program was developed to train future designers in all areas of the fashion industry. We teach many courses in pattern making, garment construction, fashion design, and product development and marketing, etc. We put a lot of effort in the technical area of the fashion industry, making sure our graduated students can deliver top-of-the-line styles for future clients.

Can you list some of the values students get at the Fashion Institute of South Florida that they don’t get in other fashion schools?

• We have small classes of up to 10 students per section, allowing each student the instructor’s personal attention
• Flexibility to only take the courses one wants
• Instructors and personnel that care
• Not wasting time/money on general education courses
• Accountability and motivation
• My personal experience, tips, and advice to accomplish goals
• Online videos for support
• Free parking
• Flexible schedule designed for individuals that work and/or have a family

Do you offer financial assistance?

Not yet, but we are in the process of getting approval. In the meantime, we offer a payment plan to pay the total cost on a monthly basis. In addition, we will be offering scholarships starting Fall, 2022.

Has it been easy placing your students with employers in South Florida?

Yes, there are a lot of opportunities for work in the fashion industry in South Florida and students that really want to work and pay their dues can find jobs easily. I get several phone calls a week from fashion brands looking to hire students.

“I have always been an entrepreneur and I don’t believe I could be happy and satisfied just being a wife and mom.”

Rucht D’Olea Scwartz

Has it been easy placing your students with employers in South Florida?

Yes, there are a lot of opportunities for work in the fashion industry in South Florida and students that really want to work and pay their dues can find jobs easily. I get several phone calls a week from fashion brands looking to hire students.

What is the ratio of students starting their own businesses in the Fashion Institute of South Florida?

I will say seven-out-of-ten students want to start their own business, which is great, but I also tell those students to gain experience in the field by working for another fashion brand for a few years.

Congratulations for the cover of the June Wawak catalogue! What is your secret to juggling your personal and professional life?

(laughs) I’m not sure it’s a secret, but I just try to be focused and productive when I’m working so I get the most for the time invested. I am also learning to delegate. In my personal life I have a lot of help with everything around the house. My husband helps me a lot, more than the average man does, especially now that we have a baby; he is there one hundred percent.

You recently gave birth to the most gorgeous baby boy! Do you recall a time where you have regretted starting a family while handling your career as a school owner?

(laughs) I don’t think I ever regretted starting a family while handing my school, but there have been moments where I questioned myself and wondered if I’m able to succeed at both. Those that know me closely know how much I love my fashion career and how passionate I am about my fashion school. Now that I am a wife and a mom, however, it is very important for me to care and give my family one hundred percent. What I concluded is that both are just as important. I have always been an entrepreneur and I don’t believe I could be happy and satisfied just being a wife and mom. If I am not happy and satisfied, how can I give my best to my husband and son?

So, both are equally important, and I am trying to give both sides of my life my best.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions Rucht.

My Pleasure and congrats on your publications! I love the magazine’s culture!

For more information about the Fashion Institute of South Florida, Please visit and follow the school on instagram @thefashioninstitutesfl.