My name is Ciara Hendrix and I love the way light & shadows marry themselves in stark contrast. I admire the way the Earth reclaims herself, and reminds us of her boundlessness with her boundaries. Fire can be cleansing and catastrophic. A tsunami can mean damnation and salvation. The Earth cracking open to let the light in is always something to marvel at.

I was Venus rebirthed in Barbados The salt and limestone in the water permeated my soul. Silver fish washed my feet in sweet ceremony. The ivory sand sang me hymns of exfoliation as a pathway for expansion. Molting old patterns and releasing old selves as I allowed it to overcome me. Freedom tastes like mangoes dripping juice of sweet lullabies on sandy palms. Breadfruit chutney and fish cakes made fresh. Rum punch to wash it all down.

Temperate showers on lazy afternoons where time moves slow. Liming on the beach, cares have been left in stateside skies. I came home golden. I came home vibrant. Consummate. A quiet mind made room for every door to open in my heart.

Ciara Hendrix