Interviewed by Ryan Daoust

Ft. LAUDERDALE, FL. After the release of “Love Me Better,” receiving national support from INDIEARTST TV, and collaboration with Philip Larsen on the electronic remix of “Hunter”, earlier this year, Morale is gearing up for the release of her new dark pop single, “Hit Me Where It Hurts” on Oct 9th. Jessica Morale is an alternative pop singer, songwriter, and self-taught producer based in Miami, Florida. She has graced stages such as Culture Room,Revolution Live, Florida Music Festival, and more intimate shows. Her rich, sultry voice, electric stage presence, and edgy style set her apart from others in the genre. Sonically compared to Halsey, Tove Lo, Hayley Williams, Katy Perry, and P!nk, Morale is hoping to redefine the word ‘artist’ by always having a hand in songwriting, production, branding, design, and video production on every project.

Teaming with sparkling synths, chugging dark guitars, and soaring vocals, “Hit Me Where It Hurts” emerges as a defiant dark pop anthem. The track dares the listener to throw anything her way, still determined to succeed despite the challenges that lay in her path. Co-written and produced by Morale and Compose (City Girls), “Hit Me Where It Hurts” acknowledges the painful and desolate road to pursue her dreams. Morale notes: “It’s about embracing the highs and lows of chasing your dreams, and
the acknowledgment that the road to success is far from easy. It’s about becoming addicted to failure and finding pleasure in the pain, a somewhat smug and defiant demand for the listener to throw anything and everything my way because I’m determined to make this dream a reality.”

The marriage between dark synths, booming sub-bass, and percussion creates a chaotic dream-like bed for Morale’s edgy lyrics and raspy vocals. The electro-synth ambiance, sub-bass, and chugging guitars radiate some Billie Eilish or Post Malone vibes. With her distinct presence and power-house vocals, she tells stories of love, pain, the beauty of imperfection, and female empowerment, Morale is ready to dominate the pop music scene defiantly. “Hit Me Where It Hurts,” the second single from Morale’s debut album, will be released early-to-mid 2021.

It’s been said that your music could be called “Dark Pop.” Sounds kind of incredible! Who else would you say is also in “Dark Pop,” and how would you define that genre’s sound?

I feel like “Dark Pop” is such a broad term, as in anything that’s defined “edgier” than a traditional pop song. I define myself as an Alt- Pop or “Dark Pop” artist because I like exploring unconventional topics in my music and sonically experimenting with conventionally darker sounds. In “Hit Me Where It Hurts,” for example, the song begins with a chugging synth, followed by deep sub-bass, twinkling acoustic guitars, and distorted backing vocals. I want to make every song feel like a cinematic experience, almost as if each piece is their own little world, sonically created. Some dark/alternative pop artists I’m inspired by including Lorde, Billie Eilish, Halsey, BANKS, Allie X, and PVRIS.

You also mention that you would like to redefine the word artist. How would you define it?

Most people who are known as just musical artists either just sing their songs or are a visual product of a label. Some even may have some say in songwriting. What I mean by redefining the word artist is that I am involved in all songwriting, production, and artistic direction of every project I put out. I have the help of some fantastic friends along the way, but I am never someone who sits back and says, “do whatever you want.” However, I would never be as cocky as to say that I am the only woman doing this in the music industry. I think it’s something significant and becoming more prominent than ever. Because I am an independent artist, I pride myself on defining my own vision as an artist. I hope that it resonates with listeners that they can be and do anything they want.

Where do you get your inspiration for your music from?

Growing up in a Puerto Rican household, I was surrounded by an eclectic variety of music. I grew up with many Rock and Roll and Alternative music, which I think has influenced my darker lyrical content and fashion sense. I’m often inspired to write songs based on situations that happen in my everyday life. I rarely write from someone else’s perspective. Writing songs helps quiet the loud noises in my head and allows me to heal from situations too painful to speak about… it’s definitely a sort of therapy for me.

With such determination and drive, where do you get the motivation from?

I think I get the motivation and drive from my fear of failure and never being good enough. I feel like I’m always trying to prove people wrong or proving to people that I can do this, while in reality, I should be solely pursuing it for myself. I love being able to make music, and I could only hope that my music’s authenticity resonates with listeners and helps.

others who go through the same situations as I do. My song “Hit Me Where It Hurts” is about giving a big middle finger to those who have told me I’ll never be good enough. It’s about acknowledging that the road to the top is a painful and reckless one, but if you aren’t afraid to risk it all, it will be worth it. It’s kind of like a masochistic way of saying, “okay, I know this is gonna be painful, might as well get it over with…” and daring the listener to throw everything they can at me because I will succeed no matter what.

So far where would you say was your favorite venue to perform at and why?

My favorite venue to perform at was Revolution Live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have seen so many large bands there that I admire, so it was extremely humbling to be on the same stage as the artists that have helped inspire my journey. I also really enjoyed performing at this little venue in Brooklyn called The Nest. There’s something extremely special about playing in an intimate venue, you can just feel the energy in the room around you. All around, it was such an amazing night and such a great vibe! That show was part of the first ever mini-tour I put together in the North East.

Who is the performer you would dream to open for and why?

That’s such a difficult question to answer! I have such an eclectic music taste that I’m always changing my answer. I think opening up for Lady Gaga, Halsey, Sizzy Rocket, or Marina and The Diamonds would be so dope, as all of them have inspired me so much as an artist in different ways. If I could choose
to open up for someone who is no longer alive, I’d definitely choose either Nirvana or Queen.

Who would you say your target audience is?

I think my target audience is young teens to early/mid 20-something females.

Where is your dream venue to perform at?

My dream venue to perform at would most definitely be selling out Madison Square Garden. I will someday.

Okay fun question! What cartoon characters do you think would definitely jam out to your music?

I think Vegeta from Dragonball Z would jam out HARD to my music…he’s so angsty, but I feel like the Prince of all Saiyans has a lot of emotions inside that he doesn’t show anyone! So I definitely think he’d get down to my music!

Lastly, how can our viewers find your music? (plug everything you got!)

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