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We have noticed something different lately regarding digital content creation!

Yes we did! But we don’t mean in term of the amount of time one spend on their cell phone mindlessly on social media. We mean the content itself.

According to WGSN trend research, over the last decade, content creators have shifted from producing aspirational content (2010), to inspirational content (2015) to informational content (2020).

people holding their phones
Photo by fauxels on

We want to also add ahead of their next report, authenticity content (2022) with the explosion of Tik Tok’s popularity over the last couple of years. Because of the possibilities of going viral overnight, on there you can see:

  • Less editing on photos/videos
  • More behind the scenes transparency
  • More inclusion for all genders, races and sexual orientations.

“Gen z has a lot to do with this sudden shift and influence! The millennials set the ground for them and they improved on it.”

Miss Lafrance, holmag

Less polished, more real!

In essence, folks like to feel part of the process. Why do you think Cardi, Doja Cat and many other influencers are so popular with the younger generation on those platforms? Going live and interacting with the audience can and has been proven to solidify a fan base, rather than showing a plastic, over-edited photos on social media.

We have also notice a niche-cross over as well. From fanbase to others because of the transparent portrayal of these creators, albeit controlled in most cases for legal reasons.

Notheless, We are here for this era of transparency!

man in white crew neck shirt holding black and gray camera
Photo by cottonbro on

Audience engagement

With increase engagements come technological opportunities. That is what we have also noticed in terms of feature introductions on social media platforms.

Creators are leveraging in-app functionality like video replies and adopting question challenges to be playful on the engagement on their pages. This strategy keeps the targeted audience hook, because they will need to follow and come back on the creator’s page to see the reply or challenge performed.

Feeling seen, and heard by their favorites, which in turn give them an opportunity themselves to cross promote is a brilliant strategy for longevity of these platforms. User creative control can be fun as long as they are not creating life threatening challenges that can harm the content creators (we know of a few that shall never be mentioned here on this bog).

This new “authenticity trend” is a great opportunity for emerging like yourselves reading this post. The trends have change and technology is on your side. Your smart phones have higher camera qualities now, and many editing software are practically free to use online or from your phone market app. Be resourceful and when someone asks how did you do all that with just this, simply tell them you learn it from holmag! haha

In all seriousness, go out there and kick ass!

Until our next trend analysis.