Show up for them and they will show up for you!

Unknown author

It is not always about money, believe or not, sometimes showing up at an event your creative friends put together can make a huge difference in their startup journey! When holmag just started not too long ago, we didn’t have a huge following. But we had a few key individuals that supported us from the get go. They showed up to our premiere release party, bought copies of our magazine which was in print at the time and continued to follow us on social media.

Unfortunately being in the creative industry means that you will have friends also in the same industry. So it becomes a pull or push to see who’s going to be supporting who! It can quite tempting for the relationship to become competitive, but don’t get sucked into it! There are way more effective ways to avoid that while being supportive.

five women laughing
Photo by nappy on

1. Share their businesses

Applaud your creative friends in their journey. Recognize that it isn’t easy to start your own creative business, and they took a risk and did it anyway. Social media is a great way to share your friends endeavors. Of course add appropriate attributions and tags, you don’t want to steal their contents!

2. Give honest feedback

We mean honest and not unsolicited feedback. If they asked you for you opinion be critical yet encouraging. No one likes a Debbie-Downer. An outside perspective is what they need to get out of their own heads and perceptions.

3. Show up for them

Let’s face it, we are all busy with work, family and side gigs. Putting the extra effort to show up for your creative friends will mean a lot, especially if they know of your crazy schedule, and notice you showed up anyway. We remember when old high friends showed up to our magazine event. Most of the time, people we least expect to show up will. Reward these folks with your attention. When they have their own event, show up too. This exchange will help solidify your bond and reputation among your peers.

men s white button up dress shirt
Photo by Helena Lopes on

4. Stay in touch

Don’t disappear on them. Life will throw you a curveball when you start to elevate in your creative journey. But don’t forget who were there for you when you started. We are not saying to cater to every single person, no one in their right mind has the time and agility to do so, but an occasional text doesn’t hurt. If anything, stay in touch through social media; like their posts if they happen to pop up on your feed. It sucks to lose relationships that may have bring value to ones’ life personally or professionally.

5. Glow up with them

If you have the opportunity to do so, help another creative! Kevin Hart said it best: “I was able to eat and grind hard, now that I’ve made it, it’s time to reach back and help someone else!” When you’ve reach your full potential in your creative journey, reach back and help another creative glow. The true meaning of life lies in helping each other rise, not tearing each other apart. They too will be able to reach back and the cycle will continue.

There are so many things we can do to help our fellow creative mates. These are just a few ideas. Anything else that we missed but you think can be of value in regards to that subject, please use it at your convenience.

Until next time.
