Google changed the game for trend researchers and Niche relevant info seekers without them even knowing it! Google trends rolled out in May 2006 (yes many moons ago), yet very few creatives and entrepreneurs are taking full advantage of this free tool.

Every Major Network Uses It!

Ever wonder where the major entertainment network like E! News and Bravo get their highlights from at the end of the year? you guessed it, Google trends! While it’s relatively well-known as a tool, lots of people fail to put their niche or keyword ideas into Google Trends to assess its potential. Keep reading, you’ll understand how to go about using google trends, because it does have some pros to it.

Build your marketing muscles!

You can utilize this fee tool as part of your social media strategy and zero in on your specific niche. We use it all the time! Google trends lets you filter across properties, compare search terms and topics, and even find related searches. Almost everyone is on google researching. All that data is collected to help marketers understand human behaviors and their thought processes (if you didn’t know, now you know).

If you look into digital magazine for example, only 100 folks researched that topic in October 2020, compared to Now 2021. While It is a very small niche, it has a great potential to gain momentum because it isn’t saturated, and you can position your brand in that market, utilizing all the hashtags and Alt Text you can related to digital magazine so that you can come up every single time the topic is researched. You need to be ahead of trends, not joining in when it is hot!

Use what is already free for you to use

There are plenty of other apps out there promising to give you the best of the best related to your searches, but they charge you upfront if you wish to get your hands on that information. Next time someone tells you to use an app like that, put them on game with Google trends!

It doesn’t get any goog’ler than that!

This post is not sponsored by Google***