That’s right! you are indeed dieting the wrong way. why? Patience is not part of your diet!

Everyone wants a quick fix! Nip tucking your flops here and there is only going to work if you keep it consistent. Incorporate a balanced diet and exercise with your regiment. You don’t always have to sign up for a gym membership. While it is good to exercise that is only a third of all the work.

Some folks have been on both side of the spectrum, Nip tuck and dieting. Both worked greatly until you decide to stop keeping up with the regiment and there goes the flops again!

I have a background in the medical field and know all too well about the necessary nutritive food your body needs to keep functioning properly. Forget all the pharmaceutical miracles you are being promised out there, it is just another quick fix with fine prints full of side effects that I’d rather skip.

Stick with hydration, fruits, vegetable and exercises. Pretty simple right? Well if you have a busy schedule like me, it may not be so feasible. I have a portfolio career (juggling 2 different careers), and I tell you between running from one place to the next while doing my own personal thing, it is a hassle to remember drinking water or dieting.

I came up with a plan. Now, here is a disclaimer: While this works marvelously with my body, it may not work for everyone else. Please consult with your primary care physician or nutritionist before embarking on any type of diet.

So the plan: ditch candy or ice cream and only allow myself to cheat once a week. Hard at first but then I get use to it.

The first part of my regiment, tea! lots and lots of tea. I drink so much tea you’d think they endorse me to encourage you to. Now you don’t necessarily have to buy pre-made tea, you can make your own. Locate your nearest farmers market and buy fresh leaves of any type: mint, parsley etc…

I use both pre-made and home-made. Both works since you are hydrating yourself either way while adding much needed supplements to your body. Lipton Body support is a great one that I recently started to use and boy do I love it. It has a combination of Green Tea, turmeric, Echinacea, and ginger. While it has not been cleared with the FDA, It is still a great tea to incorporate in your regiment. (Keep in mind there are plenty of indigenous fruits and vegetable not approved by the FDA, that doesn’t means they are not edible).

The second part of my regiment besides tea and water, eating more fruits and veggies. I know it sounds cliché, however my body feels much lighter after a week of just that over fast and junk food. I create my own recipes and add herbs and spices to up it up a notch.

The picture on the left is a combination of mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery, chicken breasts and hard boiled eggs. I don’t have a specific recipe for you to follow. Just remember to steam your veggies (do not overcook any vegetables), then add extra virgin olive oil, or preferred oil, apple cider vinegar and your favorite spices. And Voila! You got yourself a cauliflower salad.

The third and last part is staying active. I use to go to the gym but quite frankly I burn more calories dancing my butt off at home to my favorite jam than walking on the treadmill. The key is not to run a marathon (unless you want to). 30 minutes of light to vigorous activities daily should be sufficient.

I should probably add a fourth part to the regiment really, but mostly for those seeking a miracle out there and it is patience. Patience is everything! Drink a lot of water or tea, eat more fruits and veggies, stay active and BE PATIENT. You will then get accustomed to that lifestyle.

Go ahead try it!

Until next time beauties…
