Tell us a little bit about your yourself?

I’m chef Paultre and I am from Haiti. I started to cook at an early age, sometimes just for amusement. I would come up with recipes and create dishes, even now, I’m still in the process of innovating new ideas to help advance my cooking style, and career.

What inspired you to become a chef?

The reason why I choose to become a chef is because of my dad, he is my biggest inspiration. When he cooks for the family, they are always happy. I love to make others happy as well so, I choose the same path.

What is your go to comfort meal?

Spaghetti! It’s fast and easy to cook.

Your worst Kitchen Moment/Disaster Story?

When I left my croutons to burn… You wouldn’t believe it, I left my crouton under the stove and caught them right before a real major disaster! (laughter)

Your Best Kitchen Moment/Disaster Story?

We had a party for 200 people my coworker left the chicken in the oven and forgot all about it. Luckily for him I came back on time and took it out of the oven. Something about us chef leaving things to burn… (laughter). This time I save the day!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 5 foods will you take with you?

Peanuts, berries, cereals, oranges and canned food.

What is the most essential ingredient(s) must you always have in your kitchen? and what is your Best dish?

I must have rice in my pantry, tomato paste, plantains and my Haitian spices, must have my Haitian spices. My best dish is “djondjon Creole paella” it’s a mushroom rice combo that never fails me.

Have you ever adapted other ethnic’s dishes to yours? If yes, who’s?

Oh yes definitely, since I live in the states now, American dishes influences some of my cooking, but the baton goes to french cuisine, I think everyone associate french cuisine with exquisite mastery, so yea, french cuisine influences my dishes as well.

When you travel are you finding yourself becoming the taste master for your friends or family cookouts? Do you have to be the one to cook when it’s a family gathering?

Not necessarily, they try to sometimes but I let them know when I am off duty I am off duty! (laughter) When there is family gathering, my father does all the cooking, he won’t even let me near the grill!

Curious to know what is your biggest dream as a chef, and where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I want to open my own restaurant back home in Haiti and eventually turn it into a franchise. I also want to go back to educate future chef and show them the techniques I have acquired and mastered.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In the next five years, I see myself reaching my career goals, and take on more challenges and responsibilities.

It was nice of you to let us into your world and share your story with us, tell our reader where and how they can find you.

You can find me on Instagram: @Chefpaultre
Facebook: Chefpaultre, Olivier paultre
Phone: (917) 391-4371
Florida, New York, Canada.