By HOL Magazine

Photo by Nicole Angelova on Unsplash

As much as we’d like to say no to this question, the answer is still yes, just at a much lower rate. According to What’s New In Publishing, there have been tremendous shifts in the magazine market with growth driven by none other than what they call “Smaller Passion Publishers!” The giant more established publication brands are actually thinning or closing out.

Photo by Cleo Vermij on Unsplash

Yes you heard right! Smaller Passion Publications are internationally reshaping the games. But don’t worry, the staple magazines will still be around, and we all know who they are. Potentially even more so than before. Just know, the future of publications is going toward niche-based, digital and smaller self published companies. (yay for us!)

Small Passion Publishing is lit!

What about digital publications?

Well, lucky for self publishers, everyone carries a smart phone, or owns a tablet. Any digital devices that can showcase a site with excellent responsiveness, (say with a magazine flip-book integration like our site) seems to show a promising future in terms of engagement. The market place on your device also give you the freedom to add your app for ease of access as well.

Another advantage of having a digital magazine is the ability to integrate visual composites within your interface (GIFS, Vimeo/Youtube links and other media). With Social Media impacting every single industry in the game, publishers have to think “technological-driven-publications” are the next big thing to invest in if they wish to survive this industry. Engaging visuals can keep your viewers’ attention. According to Cisco studies, by the year 2022, 82% of all online content will be video (Live videos on social media, short movies, Shorts from Youtube, TikTok…).

Opportunities knocks! It is more then just “Reading!”

Technology is giving small passion publishers a leg up on the old ways of publishing. You either keep up with the industry trends, or sink with the old ways. While print will always be available to those who needs to feel and flip a manual book, the digital era is inevitable. Be prepared though, to either pre-order an actual print magazine otherwise, you best instant access to it is going to be digital!

The future is today loves!