Red Bike Studios Brickell, Miami

If you are looking for an outstanding way to blast calories and burn fat, ditch the gym and join a spin class!

Lafrance L.

Literally! The vibe, the music, the encouragement from your spin neighbors, and of course the push from the instructor, all make a perfect combination for an intense workout session.

But, are you really prepared?

During quarantine, I have put on a few pounds that I would like to shed but faster than light travels. I know, impatience is my second nature haha! I have been binge watching surgical BBL on Tiktok (don’t ask) and while I can afford it, I reminded myself that I did go down that road before and it did not last. So I looked up “outdoor activities near me” on google and a company called Red Bike Studios popped up. Once I follow them on instagram I was hooked. I have found what would get me off the couch and is communally satisfying at the same time in terms of motivations. I bought 2 sessions right away.

I have the usual yoga tights and spot bras, so I thought I don’t need special gears or wears right!


I did not anticipate the bruises because hello, I am new to the spin world, and the amplified soreness… Chillle! My coccyx was on fire after the first class, like biker sir… take me out on a date first! haha. The second class, my inner knees, thighs and butts were bruised. So I thoughts I am either giving it my all and it’s working, or I am completely screwing it up and not using proper body positioning.

You guess right, second option was the culprit. I found this article online talking about how to prepare for your first spin class , and my overly confident self at the time did not think to actually research spin classes do’s and don’ts before heading to it. But you leave and learn!

So here are a few tips for you new spinners:

Have the staff help adjust your bike!

You may have sat on a bike where the handle bar is actually too far from your sit, or vise versa. Newbies are usually helped, but if you don’t ask, they have no way of knowing you need help.

Bruises are nothing to brag about!

Don’t be like me, get yourself tights with bootie cushion, like biker shorts, or biker pants. And for the love of God, add resistance to the bike! No resistance means you will be moving and bouncing too much on the sit and ouch! You won’t like the aftermath!

Slow down!

It is ok to keep up, but if you find yourself twisting and knocking a little, you may need to pace yourself, and then pick up gradually until you meet everyone else’s speed. Stay firm, engage your core muscles and have fun!

It doesn’t have to be technical, but learn from my mistakes and go spin spin spin!

Until my next hot girl summer post haha
