Question 1

Where were you born and where do you reside Currently?

I was born in Aux Cayes, Haiti and I currently reside in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Question 2

What schools did you attend?

Back in Haiti, I attended college coeur de jesus, after coming into the states, I finished high school in Coconut Creek High School. I later got my licensed in medical coding and billing at FCC, and an Associate in Health Business Administration. Currently I am completing a Bachelor in Interior Disciplinary Studies at Keiser university.

Question 3

How did you get into modeling and why did you make that choice?

I went to a casting in Boca with my little sister, and when the casting director saw me, he totally forgot about my sister and told me to come back a week later to sign me as a model. I was excited and petrified at the same time. I signed with him for 3 years and the rest was history. Frankly, I did not make the choice, it was an opportunity and I ran with it.

Question 4

How do you keep in shape?

I am the laziest person in the world when it comes to working out! I have a personal trainer, Dennis Sheppard, from New Body Architect, that kicks my tail and gets me in shape.

Question 5

How comfortable are you in front of the camera?

It has become a lifestyle now, I started since 2011, the camera is my second home now!

Question 6

Tell us your experience as Miss Haiti International.

It was, and still is one of the best experiences of my life! Because of it, in Japan, at the 56th Miss International Pageant, I was appointed as Japan Tourism Ambassador, and Panasonic Beauty Ambassador.

Question 7

Who are your favorite Designers?

Chanel no doubt!

Question 8

Who or what inspires you?

Two women inspire me, my mother Onite Elizabeth Joseph and my aunt Mirette Lourdes. These women are strong and virtuous women and I look up to them a lot.

Question 9

What motivates you?

I was bullied back in high school because I had a thick accent, having experienced being Miss Haiti International motivated me to become a strong and confident young woman.

Question 10

Did modeling or Pageantry have a big impact on your personal life?

If yes, how? Of course it has! It made me more confident, and outspoken. With these platforms, I was and still am able to fight for what I beleive in.

Photographer: Jameson Thermitus | Stylist, Hair & MakeUp: Cassandre Joseph | Wardrobe: Aloi Designs | Location: Cuba

Question 11

Do you intend to be a model or do pageantry for a long time?

Once a queen, always a queen darling! I can still model from time to time, but right now I am pursuing my studies.

Question 12

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I see myself traveling the world doing humanitarian work.

Question 13

What do you say to anyone wanting to pursue a modeling career?

Be yourself, have a bright personality and be bold!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to interview with house of Lafrance Magazine. We hope to see you very soon now that you have taken part into our movement. We wish you many successes and cannot wait to see where your endeavors take you!

House of Lafrance