Updated January 2021

“Every day, technological innovations are giving people around the world new opportunities to shape their own destinies. In this fascinating book, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen draw upon their unique experiences to show us a future of rising incomes, growing participation, and a genuine sense of community—if we make the right choices today.”

Bill Clinton, Former President of the United States

In the last decades, all industries have seen significant changes with the evolution of technology, both positively and unfortunately negatively. Positively for all the that is inclined with the benefits technology provides, i.e. free marketing on social platform, e-commerce and so on. Negatively because, with the increasing demand of online presence, people are less inclined to walk in a store to shop or see face to face. A prime example is when Macy’s announced the closing of 68 of its stores nationwide. Can you imagine? The closings are part of plan announced back in August 2016 to close 100 stores nationwide, representing around 15% of all Macy’s department stores. That’s just one industry!

Digital drawing gives unlimited access to many medium-like feels, time is reduced significantly during the process and delivery is more efficient. The most probable worry many has is with the lack of humanity that comes with technology. Cause and effect really…

Where does that leave us as creatives?

While technological advancements have a positive impact on the economy by expanding it, researchers found by looking at the data that a boom in technologically innovative products actually correlated to a boost of the annual U.S. economic output by between 0.6 and 6.5 percentage points. Considering the U.S. economy’s average growth since 1947 is less than 3.5 percent per year, that nudge can make a big difference. As creatives, We have to incorporate some type of technology with our products, at least within the process. Sharks and Angel investors are quicker to invest their dollars (billions of it) into technology than into a design house or a painter… Just exaggerating but you get the point. It all comes down to how well we can move with the innovation of current time.

In the Fashion Industry, Ven Herpen and many more artists are incorporating 3D printing with their designs. A smart way to rack up the eyes of investors while expanding on your creativity if you ask me! I rest my case!

Amila Hrustic
Nintai -Origami Fashion
Iris V. Herpen

Most recently, Digital Animators have merged with the fashion industry to provide designers with the ability to showcase their designs virtually when COVID-19 hit (social distancing was a requirement). While I feel bad that the future of modeling will be replaced with this technology, I can’t help it but to be in awe of all the innovations happening. While many are still resisting this change, I fully embrace technology! The next video will show you exactly why I evolve with the industry.

So get busy creatives! Don’t get left behind!

Lafrance L.