The cases of COVID Infections are continuously increasing in the United States, but Florida continues to remain un-phased, and social distancing is non-existent. While city officials are encouraging everyone to remain 6 feet apart, wash their hands, and wear a mask, I wish I could tell you that was the case.

unrecognizable african american woman using sanitizer on street
Photo by Laura James on

There is no pandemic in Miami?

For the holidays in Miami, if you traveled from a different year to Miami, you could not tell there was a pandemic going on. Everything recently resumed in South Florida, particularly Wynnwood. Folks are strolling alarmingly close to one another, piling up to watch street performances, and a few noncompliant mask wearers were spotted mingling in that same crowd. Meanwhile, the curve is still peaking. I get the sense that these folks don’t believe there is a pandemic and that all this is a hoax!

crop black woman putting on face mask in park
Photo by Charlotte May on

No masks! No Pandemic!

I mean, What in the world folks! Wear your masks and stay 6 feet apart! Forget all the political antics about masks this and masks that. Protect your neighbors!

On a good note, new art are being painted on additional walls in Wynwood, particularly this blue wall this young man was finishing up. I am obsessed with it! Tell me I am wrong? There had to be something positive in Wynwood :-p