Hello Babes! I am fully operational now that I have taken some time away from the limelight. I meditated, changed my environment, and while I lost a few loose connections, I have gained new friendships that are absolutely breathtaking!

As you all know, if you have been following my blog, I have officially now been a 9 to 5’er in the workforce. Freelancing was way too challenging at times. I am after all located in South Florida, it is not the same as the big apple, or Cali from what I hear from peers working there.

Why talk about the workplace?

Well, it’s only fair that I do. You have read about the struggle of my freelancing life, why not fill you in on the workplace side of things. I am sure you have read about this topic on many different websites.

serious woman working on computer
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Who do you work for?

How big a company is play a huge part in what I will be sharing with you today.

With a privately owned company, you can benefit from the intimacy of dealing with the owner and seeing first hand how the business side work. You may even have to fill in and become the second-hand-man in that business on occasions. If that is what you’re thriving for, by all means do that. Just remember, these smaller companies sometimes do not offer certain benefits (health, 401K, etc…).

smiling black businesswoman reading newspaper outside modern building
Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels.com

On the corporate side of the workforce, it’s a completely different ball-game. The processes/any processes, take longer because there are more than one person involved. The hiring process may take longer, the promoting phase as well. Specially if the manager of a department has a specific budget to distribute equally on a fiscal year. You may have to wait months, even a year or two to get to where you want to be. Is it impossible? absolutely not! It just takes longer to get there.

What about your co-workers?

“You have to remember, this new job, or new transfer that you have landed will become your second home. They essentially become a second family, so you get double the support, friendship and love.”

You are lucky if you find yourself in a united co-working space.

Be aware, much like any other family drama, there will be discontentments and envy, sometimes jealousy in that environment. You can’t chose your in-laws or family. Neither your co-workers.

One co-workers will excel faster than the rest, one will always think she/he own the place, while another will always cry wolf because of unfairness. You have the complainer, the over-achiever, the lazy one… The list goes on and one. You will find those and more in the workplace. You just have to remember why you’re there and what the goal for your life is.

Are you there temporarily? Will you leave and start your own business? How willing are you to climb to the top at the expense of others? Juggling your own sense of directions, and the goals that you have in the workplace can be challenging if you’re not centered. You have to know where YOU are going. Otherwise stick to freelancing! Sample.

I am glad to be back again, I keep saying that every time I come back from a hiatus. But it is true. I am not a writer per say, but this blog has become a therapeutic outlet for me. I should officially change the blog to Diary of Lafrance instead of House of Lafrance.

Any who, happy to chat loves

Until next time
