Did you know?

You can now go online and order your fabric with a chosen design. However don’t you wish you could change a color here and there on your bought designs? If only there were a company that can allow you to change the colors as you please!

Oh but wait, There is! Have you heard of WeaveUp? My! You need to. They have a great selection of designs where you can get all your desired prints. Aquatic prints, nature, geometrics, whatever float your boat! They have them, but wait: the cool part is you can customize the print’s directions and colors. Say what? You heard right, what you see is not what you get! You have the total freedom to edit the print as you please, add it to the cart and wait for the magical delivery of your customized print. Makes you feel part of the process in some ways.

If you want to be part of the creatives, even better. Weaveup allows designers/creators to become part of the back end designing process for upload and allows them to get a piece of the pie when sales are made. Fantastic right? Yes it is. Why not make some income on the side when you can, what have you got to lose? I also design with them.

Go ahead check them out, I promise you will bookmark them for future references! Watch it and see for yourself:

Try watching this video on www.youtube.com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

I’ll share all my good finds with you all when I spot them 

Until next time,
