Thank you for taking the time to chat with us! tell us why you decide to become a fashion designer?

Well I wouldn’t say it was a decision. It was more of a calling. During the second semester of my sophomore year of college, I found myself skipping class to work on my first business venture- an online boutique called Vintage Hero. It was an online unisex fashion boutique and I did everything from drafting a business plan to acquiring investors to securing funds to recruiting models and scheduling photoshoots. I even did all of the graphics for the website and the marketing side of things as far as setting up social media accounts, not to mention seeking out a vendor and pricing everything.
Anyway, long story short, fashion chose me. I didn’t not choose it and I did not decide anything. I don’t have that kind of authority to decide what I will
become in the future as far as occupation goes.

Tell us about your scholar years in fashion, What were your favorite courses in School?

My favorite courses were the ones taught by Mrs. Ivanova of course! Who is she? A very talented illustrator and designer herself. She was my favorite teacher although I failed a couple of her classes several times. She was really good at what she did- molding students, drawing out potential and amplifying her students’ natural abilities and refining it. The ones I particular took a liking to was Fashion Illustration, Stylized Illustration, and Technical Design.

Anyone in particular that influences your fashion direction? How have they responded when you told them that this is what you wanted to do?

Definitely my Mother! At first, she was puzzled. You see, I had already declared my major and was well into the first semester of my junior year in college when this epiphany came about. Imagine telling your Mom on the car ride to get some supplies for your dorm that you want to be a designer instead of becoming a doctor. She felt I had wasted time and money those first three years. But she was always receptive and supportive. She bought me my first sewing machine and not even six months later she was helping me move into my dorm room at the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale.

Walk us through your thought processes when you create your designs. How/
where do you start?

It depends. It’s never the same process. Sometimes I draw what’s in my head and then make it. Other times I freestyle and come up with a design as I go along. If I’m really focused, I thoroughly research design ideas and create a whole board to develop something unconventional. So, it all depends.

How do you select the materials you used? And are they difficult/easy to work with?

The materials I use are usually unconventional. I don’t like plain fashion. My favorite designer is Alexander McQueen so I really appreciate theatrics, presentation, shape, form, hand, and movement. When all of these elements are incorporated into a design, that’s when the magic happens. The materials I’ve worked with are sometimes easy and sometimes difficult – it all depends.

What influences your style? Any favorite designers? inspirations?

My style is influenced manly by my mood and my aesthetic. I don’t wear color. I can’t be taken serious walking down the street looking like a rainbow. I relate so much to blacks and greys and whites. It’s easy to convey a message in those colors. I have many favorite designers: Alexander McQueen, Thierry Mugler, Thom Browne, Garenth Pugh, Dries wan Noten, Iris van Herpen, Viktor & Rolf and Furne One of Amato to name a few. I am inspired by the people and things around me, like every other artist.

Whom have you designed for that boosted your career to the next level?

I’ve recently designed for a luxury streetwear company that a friend of mine owns. With his resources and my designs, I was able to get a couple of pieces on a few music artists which is cool.

How well did you take criticisms from these people, or of your work?

Critique is always a double-edged sword to me. I’m sensitive about my work. I know it’s not perfect, but that’s what makes it mine. Sometimes I don’t want to hear it, but I’m a curious person and my favorite pastime is listening, so, I’m going to end up hearing it anyway. I want to be rebellious, yet open-minded. Doesn’t make sense does it? Just like art sometimes.

When can we see your designs grace the runway?

Hopefully in the near future.

Speaking of near future, What are your plans?

I would like to head my own fashion conglomerate one day and be the creative director of several brands that cater to the luxury fashion industry. But, one day at a time. I think I’d be content as long as it deals with fashion.

For more information on The designer Kevin Leo, follow him of Intagram @Kvnleosama and @Kvnleostudio

Interview by Laura Lafrance – HOL Magazine.