We did it!

“To whom much is given much is required”

The Magazine is out y’all! The release went exceptionally well. Even though mother nature raised her voice and blew her wind, our guests showed up eager to see what was in store on this first issue.

Our wonderful host at Siren’s table accommodated us with glasses of wine. At the same time, a local artist serenaded us with her soulful voice. The crowd loved it. Even though the night was about the magazine, it turned into a colossal networking night. Everyone was exchanging business cards and mingling; we just had to sit back and look at our goal fulfilling itself right in front of our eyes.

Invitations were sent to potential employers and employees equally, and they showed up ready for the occasion. Many of the emerging creatives got to pitch themselves to potentially get hired! We were all pleased, and we are looking forward to exposing more talents and inviting even more employers to seek potentials in the future.

Want to be in the magazine? Email us and send all your information to be considered for the next issue schedule for spring/summer 2018.

We are building a solid network of emerging artists, entrepreneurs and like minded individuals! If you needed a motivation to get your ideas going, this is it! Come share it with us, or even better let us help you with it! We can make magic together 🙂