by Shanette Cox

Dandelion Root 

Preparation: 1 Tablespoon of herb per 6oz of water, steep, strain and enjoy with your favorite natural sweetener. (Suggested Sweeteners: Coconut Sugar, Agave Nectar, Coconut Nectar) 

Dandelion has been eaten for thousands of years, consumed both as food and medicine. It’s packed with more protein than spinach, treats anemia, skin disorders, and blood disorders. It also improves energy levels in instances of depression. Dandelion also improves liver function, is rich in antioxidants, can slow down the growth of cancer cells, reduces inflammation, increases urination which will lower blood pressure and supports liver health. Dandelion has a very distinct flavor and would work perfectly as a replacement to coffee.


Preparation: 1 Tablespoon of herb per 6oz of water, steep, strain and enjoy with your favorite natural sweetener. (Suggested Sweeteners: Coconut Sugar, Agave Nectar, Coconut Nectar) 

Elderberry gives your immune system a definite boost, protecting the body against bacteria and infection, slows down the spread of cancer cells and removing excess amounts of mucus from the respiratory system. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti-influenza properties. You can also use this wonderful herb to make a juice of cough syrup to treat influenza.  

Blue Vervain 

Preparation: 1 Tablespoon of herb per 6oz of water, steep, strain and enjoy with your favorite natural sweetener. (Suggested Sweeteners: Coconut Sugar, Agave Nectar, Coconut Nectar)

Blue Vervain is an age-old herb used to cleanse and detoxify the body and produces an overall feeling of well-being. It soothes and builds up damaged nerves and relieves symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and pain associated with fever. It has also been said that this herb helps with the removal of parasites in the body for a more alkaline environment. In women, this herb promotes menstruation, reduces cramps, and increases the production of breastmilk after childbirth. This herb has a very potent flavor, but with all these wonderful health benefits, it’s worth a shot to improve your overall health and well-being.

Coconut Oil: The Oil That Keeps on Giving

Coconut oil is literally the oil that keeps on giving. Coconut oil can literally be used for any and everything such as skincare, weight loss, haircare, oral care, the immune system, healing infections, and so much more. Here are a few of my favorite ways to use coconut oil in my daily routine. 

Skin Care 

Coconut oil is an amazing moisturizer for dry skin with absolutely no side effects. This oil has been used for thousands of years on skin to prevent dryness and flaking. Coconut oil is sure to leave you glowing after just a single use for the rest of the day. Just simply apply to any dry area of concern and just like that you’re ready to concur the world with your beautiful and vibrant coconutty skin.  

Hair Care

Struggling with dry scalp or hair growth? Well you’re in luck because coconut oil stimulates hair growth and moisturizes the scalp, adding luster, shine, and softness to your lovely tresses. It also prevents hair breakage and split ends. (Quick Tip: Ladies make sure to oil the ends of your natural hair to retain and lock in moisture, topped off with a protective style to protect your hair from excess exposure to daily tribulations.)

Intimate Care 

Coconut oil has antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties and can help with the prevention of yeast infections and can also be used while pregnant. Simply clean and dry the affected area and apply a small amount of coconut oil to the external perimeter, this can be done two to three times a day until infection has cleared.