Hello everyone, my name is Ariana, CEO of Front Row Beauty. I am a proud Puerto Rican raised in Florida, and I’m signed with Modern Muse as a model. I’ve been blessed to see many states and countries while working with them, and I love it! 

I started modeling very young, say early teen years, and when doing this job, you never want to do anything else but to travel and model. I love the glitz, the glamour, and the hard work we poured into it. Modeling was the right industry for me to go into because I grew to love the hustle and bustle, plus you get to meet new faces all over the world. You get bonus points for having the right makeup on, come on! The power one holds behind their makeup and their outfit is a killer! 

So, during the pandemic, I decided never to let that feeling go and start my beauty brand selling my favorite accessory, lashes! Quickly after, I got into wigs and hairpieces. It was the perfect business for me to implement all that I have learned with the agency. My love for hair, makeup, and clothes transpires through. It’s fun to temporarily change a look, to then entirely be able to go right back to normal by night (like Cinderella). Laughs. So I hired mom, and together, we’ve been building and growing. I hope to give front Row babes confidence, power, and the feeling of doing anything they wish to accomplish. And thank you, Ryan, for this opportunity to tell my story with House of Lafrance’s readers! 

Starting off, I would like to give congratulations on your entrepreneurial endeavor during the pandemic. How has COVID-19 affected and/or changed your views on marketing your brand?

Thank you so much. It has been a roller coaster doing so during a pandemic. Delays on packages and certain closing things have pushed me to focus on marketing online. I feel it changed in the way that I am more inclined towards online sales versus in person.

Tell us more in-depth about your company. What drove you to eyelashes, and what makes you stand out?

Well, it was not the first thing I thought I would sell. I thought I would own a clothing brand before lashes. However, my favorite part of doing makeup is lashes. There are so many styles ranging from natural to medium glam, to full and heavy. I think I stand out because I have various styles and made sure to get excellent quality. Of course, my style is all over the packaging and branding as well. I am known to have a unique style thanks to many years in the fashion industry. 

Would you say being in the modeling industry has given you an upper-hand in making this business transition? If so, why or why not?

Most definitely, because I probably would never have worn makeup. I was known for being a big tomboy. Modeling taught me fashion and makeup. I then developed my own style and love for lashes and hairstyling.

Okay, fun question: you mentioned transforming one’s self with wigs and lashes like Cinderella. What is your favorite Disney character, and why?

I like a lot of them. Disney has so many great characters, but one that stands out to me is Mulan. She became her own savior. Overcoming obstacles with beautiful hair and a sword. 

As a new business owner, do you believe selling online is the best option, or is there still hope for retail stores? 

Hope is vital; there is always hope. I dream of having a super cute store soon. So far, however, we are mostly online. I do have some sales in-person, though it is a bit of a mix of half in-person and half online. 

It’s fun to temporarily change a look, to then entirely be able to go right back to normal by night !”

Ariana Lopez

Photographer: Ambika Agrawal 
Model: Josh Coffee, Lianna Gerken, Kelley Hicks, Dora Scott, Ariana lopez 
Lighting director/ minh insixiangmy 

You also stated that you have traveled to many different countries for work. What was your favorite country to work in?

Yes, wow, I truly loved each for different reasons. However, it would be a tie between Greece and Thailand. Greece for the beauty of the place, people, and the food. Thailand had the most to do, and the people were so kind and sweet.

How would you say the beauty industry differs in countries outside the USA?

I don’t think there was much difference. The beauty industry does photoshoots, magazines, promotion, and marketing, similar to what we do in the USA.

Will you be selling your lashes internationally? If so, where?

I definitely would if someone international requested lashes or wigs. I would send it to them for sure.

Lastly, how can our readers find your company?

You can find Front Row Beauty on my website: frontrowbeauty.net. I also have an Instagram account, which is frontrowbeauty_.

Interviewed by Ryan Daoust.